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Affirmation to Manifestation Podcast

Oct 31, 2020

Are you ready to receive unexpected money in 24 hours or less with the power of the law of attraction? Allow me to share a very personal money manifestation story with you that happened to me a couple of days ago. And please also allow me to introduce my program Money Manifestation Magnet that gives you the...

Oct 28, 2020

The universe said "give food to the homeless" and I did. I want to share this law of attraction story with you that happened to me. And I want you to understand why it is so important to raise your vibration: Do you want to have the chance to work with me and to become...

Oct 26, 2020

I decided to share my powerful morning routine for the law of attraction with you. Yep, you'll discover how I start my day. And I can highly recommend that you start your day with a meditation that raises your vibration: Do you want to work with me on your vibration, on...

Oct 24, 2020

Do THIS to manifest fast! So many of my Skype coaching clients ask me how they can manifest faster. Here are some techniques. And in case you want to work with me on manifesting your dreams, you can find out more about coaching with me: Do you also want to have an easy...

Oct 21, 2020

I meditate every day and THIS changed. In fact, I want to discuss 7 changes that I experienced. And I also want to give you the opportunity to meditate & to raise your vibration with my new program Vibration Rocket: Now imagine if you used Vibration Rocket for 30...